Current status of the band, Summer 2024

Axis of Despair 2024: Joel Fornbrant - vocals, Mattias Frödén - guitar, Anders Jakobson - drums, Oskar Pålsson - bass.
Line-up change Early 2024 Kristofer Jankarls left the band. Mattias Frödén joined Axis of Despair as a second guitar player in February 2023, thus making the band a five-piece for almost a year, and is now the sole guitar player in Axis of Despair.
New songs We are working on new material aimed for a second album and possibly something more. We already have about 25 songs written that we bring to the rehearsal room one by one, and we are almost halfway at the moment. We have begun tracking pre-production demos and the first one include six songs called "The Procrastinator", "War-torn", "Exclusion Zone", "The Derelict", "Propelled by Hate" and "Verminous".
Releases 2023

OUT NOW! Split 7" EP with Brainwasher
300 copies, white vinyl.
Label: Flyktsoda Records.
Release date: February 8 2023.
"Phantom Fiend", lyric video

OUT NOW! Split 12" EP/CD with Meth Leppard
100 copies, mint vinyl, 200 copies black vinyl. 500 CD.
Label: Selfmadegod Records (Vinyl, European CD in 2024), Grindestroy (CD).
Release date: October 2023.
Pre-order CD!
"Grim Prospect", lyric video
We have the split 7" EP with Brainwasher and the split 12" EP with Meth Leppard in stock, and we also have CD's and LP's or the album along with t-shirts and other bits and pieces from Axis of Despair and related bands. Place your orders at the merchandise page. Also, all our EP's are available digitally at Bandcamp or the streaming service of your choice.

Live shows
Nothing at the moment.
#1: July 3, 2016 at En Arena in Stockholm, Sweden with Black Breath, This Gift is a Curse and Fredag den 13:e.
#2:October 29, 2016 at Plektrum Bar in Örebro, Sweden with Riistetyt and Crutches.
#3: October 21, 2017 at Scenit/Kulturhuset i Örebro in Örebro, Sweden with Facebreaker.
#4: July 19, 2018 at Obscene Extreme Festival in Trutnov, Czech Republic.
#5: November 30, 2018 at Snövit in Stockholm, Sweden Supported by Tortura Eterna and General Genocide.
#6: April 13, 2019 at a secret birthday party show in Svärdsjö, Sweden.
#7: April 18, 2019 at Belsepub/Sticky Fingers in Gothenburg, Sweden with Gravebomb and Deth By Audio.
#8: July 24, 2019 at Stuck On A Name, Nottingham, UK with Human Cull, Feral State, Throatpunch.
#9: July 25, 2019 at Temple of Boom, Leeds, UK with Human Cull, Coproach, Fidget.
#10: July 26, 2019 at Gorilla Studios, Hull, UK with Human Cull, Strigoi, Throatpunch.
#11: July 27, 2019 at Head of Steam, Newcastle, UK with Human Cull, Cryptic Shift, Slimelord.
#12: July 28, 2019 at The Old England, Bristol, UK with Human Cull, Atomçk, Skullfucked, Black Skies Burn, Grief Ritual, Voltane.
#13: November 1, 2019 at Scenit/Kulturhuset i Örebro in Örebro, Sweden with Carnosus, Obscene illusion, Gravebomb and Crawl.
#14: May 26, 2023 at Fängelset in Gothenburg, Sweden with Brainwasher, Järnbörd and Tjuvkoppla.
#15: January 26, 2024 at Vaterland in Oslo, Norway - Melodi Grind Prix 2 with Arrogante, Tower, Walking Corpse and Bad Vibes.